科学美国人60秒 SSS 2016-8-09(在线收听

“So what does rafting down the Grand Canyon have to do with science education?”


Ann Reid, former research biologist and current executive director of the National Center for Science Education. She spoke to me July 7th at the Fern Glen Canyon campsite the morning of our penultimate day rafting down the Colorado River in the Grand Canyon.


“Well, for NCSE it’s one of the most powerful places on the Earth to show the differences between religious thinking and scientific thinking. Because for a very small minority of Christians who believe the Earth is 6,000 years old, the Grand Canyon is the best evidence they have of Noah’s flood.”

对美国国家科学教育中心而言,这里是地球上最强大的地方之一,向人们展示宗教思维和科学思维之间的区别。因为对极少数的基督徒而言,他们相信地球已经有6,000 年的历史,大峡谷就是诺亚大洪水最好的证据。

Creationists run multiple raft trips down the Colorado each year. A website touting some says the trips “will encourage your faith as we reveal the truth of God’s creation found in this gigantic remnant of the Biblical Flood.” Which creationists believe occurred some 4,400 years ago.


“And of course scientists of all, many, many different subdisciplines have figured out that the Canyon is much older than that, there’s the rocks, there’s the biology, there’s the hydrology, it’s just a fantastic place to learn how scientists explain the world around us.”


The annual NCSE Colorado River trip holds about two dozen guests and features talks by a geologist and an evolutionary biologist. This year, two public school teachers received all-expense paid scholarship trips so they could bring their experiences and learning back to the classroom. And I recorded lots more audio, which I’ll be posting as Scientific American Science Talk podcasts in the coming weeks.

