美国有线新闻 CNN 2016-7-15(在线收听


AZUZ: You know, you can tell some people that something tastes disgusting and they just got to try it anyway for themselves. This plant is kind of like that. It`s called titan arum, aka, the corpse flower.


It blooms for less than 48 hours, giving off an unparallel stink and then it collapses. For some reason, folks lined up in droves to get a whiff, the natural nose-assaulting nastiness notwithstanding. This happened recently when a titan arum blossomed in South Australia.


You wouldn't`t be bloomed to say the arum`s aroma was titanically rotten. But there are times not to follow the flow of the crowd, if no one knows when to hold their nose when sniffing whiffs that reek, perhaps the proboscis suffers no losses when plugging its probing beak.


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