听歌学英语:心之瓶 Jar of Hearts(在线收听

I know i can't take one more step towards you 我醒悟了,不能再靠近你一步。
Cause all that's waiting is regret 靠近你是我最大的失误 (直译:因为这样做会让我后悔)
Don't you know i'm not your ghost anymore 我不会再对你纠缠不清/我不会再做你的影子
You lost the love i loved the most 你挥霍了我的崇拜
I learned to live, half alive 因为你,我曾半死不活
And now you want me one more time 现在你却又想要我回来

Who do you think you are?你以为你是谁?
runnin' 'round leaving scars 你凭什么到处践踏真爱?
collecting a jar of hearts 把别人的真心收集到自己的罐子里
tearing love apart 你如此的亵渎真爱 ?
You're gonna catch a cold 你会因此得到报应
from the ice inside your soul 因为你的内心太过冷酷。
Don't come back for me 不要回来找我
Who do you think you are?你以为你是谁?

I hear you're asking all around 听说你正在打听
If i am anywhere to be found 我的下落
But i have grown too strong 但是我已经成熟 已经独立
to ever fall back in your arms 不会再被你伪善的怀抱欺骗 。
I‘ve learned to live, half alive 我已经学会在半死不活中努力生存
and now you want me one more time 不会任你挥之即来...

Who do you think you are? 你真以为你有那么重要吗?
runnin' 'round leaving scars 你凭什么到处伤害别人的真心?
collecting a jar of hearts 你凭什么抢走他人的真心?
and tearing love apart 你又凭什么撕碎别人的真心?
You're gonna catch a cold 你一定会患上感冒的
from the ice inside your soul 因为你拥有颗那么冰冷的心 。
Don't come back for me 别回来找我
Who do you think you are? 你以为离了你我就活不了了么?

It took so long just to feel alright 用了这么长时间才冲淡我的伤痛
Remember how to put back the light in my eyes 我学会点亮了自己的灵魂
I wish I had missed the first time that we kissed 我现在真希望我们从未相爱
cause you broke all your promises 因为你辜负了一切
and now you're back 现在你恬着脸回来了
You don't get me back 你留不住我的

Who do you think you are? 你以为你是谁?
runnin' 'round leaving scars 你凭什么到处践踏真爱
collecting a jar of hearts 把别人的真心收集到自己的罐子里
tearing love apart 你如此地亵渎真爱
You're gonna catch a cold 你会因此得到报应
from the ice inside your soul 因为你的内心太过冷酷
So don't come back for me 不要回来找我
Dont come back at all 别回来

Who do you think you are?你以为你是谁?
running around leaving scars你凭什么到处践踏真爱
collecting a jar of hearts 把别人的真心收集到自己的罐子里
and tearing love apart 你如此的亵渎真爱
You’re gonna catch a cold 你会因此得到报应
from the ice inside your soul 因为你的内心太过冷酷
So don’t come back for me 不要回来找我
Dont come back at all 别回来

Who do you think you are? 你以为你是谁?
Who do you think you are? 你以为你是谁?
Who do you think you are? 你以为你是谁?
Who do you think you are? 你以为你是谁?

jar of hearts:
jar: n. 罐子,广口瓶, 刺耳声, 震动 vi.发刺耳声, 不协调, 震荡, 冲突 vt.扰乱, 震动
We ate a whole jar of jam.我们吃掉整整一罐果酱。
Their opinion jarred with ours.他们的意见与我们不一致。
The iron gate jarred when he opened it.他开门时,铁门发出刺耳的嘎嘎声。
The wind jarred the windows.风震得窗户嘎嘎作响。
heart: n.心, 内心, 中心, 要点, 红桃,勇气
I want you to put more heart into your singing.我希望你在唱的时候多带点感情。
The heart of the problem is a shortage of funds.问题的关键是缺乏经费。
Let's get to the heart of the matter.让我们谈谈这件事的核心部分。
I didn't have the heart to tell you about it.我没有勇气将此事告诉你。

Don't you know i'm not your ghost anymore
ghost: 1. 鬼, 幽灵,代笔人, 捉刀者, (电视上的)双重图像,一点点, 一丝[the S][(+of)]
He looked so terrified that I thought he'd seen a ghost.他看上去如此害怕, 我还以为他看见鬼了。
I haven't a ghost of a chance of getting the job.要得到那份工作,我是毫无希望的。
to give up the ghost 无可救药,(机器、汽车等)永远不能再正常运转,停止不动,承认失败,完蛋
My car is twelve years old and I’m afraid it’s ready to give up the ghost. 我那辆车已经开了十二年,恐怕是该报废了。”

Who do you think you are?runnin' 'round leaving scars, collecting a jar of hearts
collect: vt. 聚集, 募捐, 运走, 使(自己)镇定
Water collects in hollows.水在坑洼处聚集。
We are collecting money for the famine victim.我们在为遭受饥荒的灾民募捐。
He's gone to collect his daughter.他去接女儿了。
I tried to collect my thoughts but I was too excited.我试图使思想集中起来,但是我太激动了。
adj (电话, 电报等)受话人(或收报人等)付费的
As I had no money with me, I made a collect call.因为身上没钱, 我打了一个由对方付款的电话。
adv (打电话, 电报等时)由受话人(或收报人等)付费
You can call me collect.你可以打由我付款的电话给我。
