
   曼彻斯特珠宝商获中国游客青睐Manchester jewellers enticing Chinese shoppersThe north of England has never been morepopular with Chinese tourists. In 2015, there were 64,000 visits from China, upfrom 35,000 in 2014 — a record, according to national tourism agencyVisitBritain. Direct flights to Beijing from Manchester begin this month, andShanghai could follow, further boosting tourism.

  Rising numbers of visitors — often to seerelatives or to watch Premier League football — have increased their economiccontribution. In 2015, Chinese tourists spent £83m in the north, up 17 per centon the previous year, according to VisitBritain. The Marketing Manchesteragency has developed a guide in Mandarin to tax-free shopping in the city,distributed in China as well as in Britain (the guide is also available inCantonese and Arabic).
  随着游客人数的增加——往往是为了探亲访友或者观看英格兰足球超级联赛(Premier League)——他们对拉动经济的贡献也在加大。英国旅游局的数据显示,2015年中国游客在英格兰北部地区支出了8300万英镑,较上年增长了17%。曼彻斯特推广机构Marketing Manchester制作了一份简体中文导购手册,介绍曼彻斯特市内的免税购物点,在中国以及英国分发(该手册还有繁体中文和阿拉伯语版)。
  Luxury businesses in particular arebenefiting from the influx of Chinese visitors: at Boodles, a family-ownedjeweller that dates back to 1798, Chinese clients account for more than 10 percent of turnover at its Manchester shop. The company has hosted several mealsat Chinese restaurants for valued clients.
  Michael Wainwright, managing director, saysthat the Liverpool-based business had always been popular with local Chinese.“Now we have their relatives from China and Hong Kong coming in. Students alsobring their parents. Sunday afternoons are when we usually see them.
  “They really like diamonds —they do not go somuch for coloured stones. They also like Patek Philippe watches —they arethe only third-party item we sell. It is hard to get them in China and they area lot more expensive.”
  “他们真的非常喜爱钻石——他们对彩色宝石就没有这么高的兴致。他们还喜欢百达翡丽(Patek Philippe)的手表——这是我们销售的唯一第三方产品。百达翡丽在中国国内难以买到,价格也贵得多。”
  Hancocks jewellers, also in Manchester’s primeKing Street shopping district, occasionally opens specifically for wealthyChinese customers in the evenings. Roy Lunt, the owner, says there has been abig increase in Chinese shoppers, who now account for a 10th of sales. One ofhis prize possessions is a sales slip for £220,000 for a single ruby that wentto a Chinese customer.
  Hancocks珠宝店同样位于曼彻斯特主要商业区国王街(KingStreet),该店有时会在晚间专门为富有的中国顾客开店营业。其所有者罗伊?伦特(Roy Lunt)表示,来自中国的购物者近来显著增加,现已占到了销售额的十分之一。他的珍藏品之一是一张售货单,其中记录的一颗红宝石以22万英镑被一位中国客户买走。
  “There is nothing of this quality outside London. We get a lot ofreferrals from jewellers there,”he says.
  Word of mouth also works well. “We sold asapphire ring worth £50,000. The lady took it back to Hong Kong and someone sawit and said how beautiful it was, then they came over to buy from me.”
  Another attraction of Manchester is thatprices there can be lower than in London because of the northern city’s lowerrents and wages.
  Manchester has more than 14,000 ethnicChinese residents, according to the 2011 census, along with thousands morestudents at its universities. Nearby Liverpool has 8,000 Chinese residents, aswell as 3,200 students, and is twinned with Shanghai, which modelled itswaterfront on that of the British port.
  Boodles’shop at Harrodsdepartment store in London has a Chinese-speaking member of staff, andManchester could be next, Mr Wainwright says.
  The jeweller has no plans, however, for astore in China, after closing its Hong Kong branch. “It is a verydifficult place to do business. We are very happy to sell to them here in theUK,”Mr Wainwright says.