英语悠选脱口秀 第84期:男生喜欢你的信号(在线收听


  Today’s key word is Sign
  Sign 符号;迹象
  A sign is a mark that always has a particular(特别的) meaning.
  Here is an example:
  Do you know the signs if a guy like you?
  I mean, seriously! Do you know it? OK,imiage this. You're crushing(喜欢,迷恋) hard on a guy, but you don’t know if he feels the same way. Or maybe you caught a guy checking you out(看你) and felt like he might like you and you’re wondering if he’s actually interested… , So, 怎么才能知道一个男生是不是真的喜欢你呢?
  Here are some signs that a guy likes you:
  1.Watch His Body Language(身体语言)如果不好意思直接跟心仪的男生对话时,可以通过身体语言先判断一下他是否对你也有意思。One of the most common signs is that he looks at you a lot. I mean, like a lot. If he’s looking at your face a lot or making a lot of eye contact, that’s a sign.
  2.Does He Treat You Differently?通常如果一个男孩喜欢你的话,他对你的态度会跟对别人不一样,Especially(特别是) in a group. If he starts acting “protective保护” towards you, like shifting(转换)himself closer to you in any seating arrangement(座位安排), or putting his arm around the back of your chair, it’s a sign that he’s interested.
  3.Does He Act Interested In Things You’re Interested In? If a guy likes you, he will try to copy you. By that I mean, if you like a certain movie, he is probably going to say he likes it too, even if he doesn’t. 如果他喜欢你说出的每一部电影,每一首歌, Yes, he is interested in you.
  4.Watch His Friends Closely! If he’s interested in you, he might have told his friends. 所以,当你和他还有他的朋友们见面时,如果他的朋友们总开你们的玩笑,起哄之类的。Then he probably likes you!
  5.Does he likes your wechat moment! No one will stare at their phone and wait for you to send a wechat moment. ---Unless he likes you, of course! 如果你一发朋友圈,他就第一个点赞,还留一些没有什么意义的言。特别是,你发的朋友前还很无聊的时候。Then he probably likes you.
  Finally, if the guy you like is seeing someone, dating someone or married to someone, he probably doesn’t like you! Or at least, he shouldn't!
  Hope you find these tips helpful! And remember if a guy likes you, he will find a way to let you know. 你对这方面有什么经验要分享给大家吗?上面提到的一种迹象你认同吗?
  We will talk about signs that he is not that into you! Talk to you next time!