英语悠选脱口秀 第87期:你敢不穿裤子上街溜达吗(在线收听


  Today's key word is Pants
  Pants 裤子
  Pants are a piece of clothing that cover the lower part of your body and each leg. 美式英语中的裤子,跟trousers的意思一样,但在英式英语中也指内裤,所以跟英国人说裤子的时候要小心误会哦。
  Here is an example:
  He was wearing a pair of short pants and a T-shirt.
  And what are you wearing now?A pair of black pants or blue jeans maybe?有没有想过不穿裤子,只穿内裤出门是个什么赶脚?想试试的同学,你的机会来了。
  Each year in January, there is a day called “No pants day”. On “No pants day”, there will be lots of peopleriding the subway without wearing their pants. The mission started as a small prank(恶作剧) with seven guysin New York.有一天,7个男孩儿突发奇想,决定不穿裤子去坐地铁看看人们的反应。本以为会被朝阳群众举报,没想到!!!反而大受欢迎。
  Now it has grown into an international celebration of silliness(蠢萌), with dozens of cities around the worldparticipating(参加) each year. 在这个普天同庆的日子里,不论男女老少,去坐地铁的时候不穿裤子,而且一定要站在地铁里面像什么事情都没有发生过一样,不会被当成变态。The participants behave as if they do not know each other,andthey all wear winter coats, hats, scarves(围巾), and gloves(手套). The only unusual(不寻常) thing is theirlack of pants. But, but, 内裤还是一定要穿的。你有没有兴趣尝试一下啊?