英语角-圆桌会议 RoundTable0819 - 喝尿包治百病?(在线收听

Topic 1-Old Woman Suffers from Depression after Revealing Family Conflict on TV
An old lady in Beijing sued a company which invited her to film a TV program on which revealed her family feud 5 years ago. She claimed that her story have portrayed differently after editing.
She got the flak from TV viewers and suffered from depression after the program was aired. Who should be blamed for that?
Topic 2-Urine as Panacea?
Anyone for a refreshing glass of urine? Maybe not. Some people in China are knocking back urine as a way to cure diseases and to keep healthy. They say it works like magic. Do you believe it?
Topic 3- Happiness Achieved through Earning or Spending Money?
Here is some food for thought on Friday -- making money or spending money, which one can promote your happiness better? It is always easier to spend than making money. However, some people think that making money can result in better and longer lasting happiness.                          