英语角-圆桌会议 RoundTable0816 - 手机成瘾or现代生活?(在线收听

Topic 1-Can High-speed Train Passengers Claim Compensation for Delay?
A high-speed train from Beijing to Shenzhen was stranded on the tracks for nearly two hours due to power failure. Room temperature soared to 40 degrees, and there was no water. Many male passengers took off their shirts. Several passengers collapsed due to the heat.
Topic 2-Are Chinese People More Addicted to Smartphones?
Do you find yourself checking your phone first thing in the morning—before even getting out of bed, checking your smartphone while driving, or checking Weibo/WeChat updates during a romantic dinner. If so, then you may have Nomophobia or no mobile phone phobia. It basically means that your phone is interfering with your life and you are addicted.
Topic 3-Economics of Marriage
Web pages marked with the hashtag "Baoqiang's divorce" has received more than 3 billion views and 6.73 million comment on Sina Weibo. According to some netizens, the news has shaken their faith in marriage. Can economic theories such as diminishing marginal utility and sunk cost explain the setbacks in a marriage?         