
 BBC News – Imagine watching a film or TV show featuring breathtaking scenery. You don't know where the place is but you'd love to visit it one day.

BBC新闻 – 想象一下在看一部电影或一档电视节目,里面出现了绝美风景。你并不知道这是什么地方,但特希望某一天能到此一游。
Now imagine being able to stop the action, ask your smart TV for the location, then have it work out how to get there, including flight and accommodation details… It's all part of an effort by airlines and other transport providers to broaden their appeal and compete with the new app-based travel companies, such as Airbnb and Booking.com. They want to give us the tools to turn our wanderlust into reality.
And travel inspiration can come from anywhere - even episodes of the seminal TV series, Sex and the City. Madrid-based travel technology company Amadeus noticed that during one episode in which the lead characters went to Jamaica for the weekend, there was "an interesting spike in search activity for destination during the programme's ad break", says Rob Sinclair Barnes, strategic marketing director for the firm's IT Group. "This started us thinking about how we could implement the technology to build on it."
而旅游灵感可以来自任何地方 – 甚至是影响深远的电视剧《欲望都市》的剧集。总部在马德里的旅游科技公司艾玛迪斯注意到,主角们去牙买加度周末的那一集播放期间,“节目的广告时段出现了对牙买加的搜索量大增的有趣现象”,艾玛迪斯IT组的战略营销主管巴恩斯说。“这让我们开始思考如何提供技术手段以从中获益。”
Amadeus was then approached by US carrier United Airlines to develop a product that could exploit emerging technology from the likes of Apple TV and others. The prototype makes use of GPS location tracking embedded in the filming process. By integrating airline data into the coding, the viewer can be given information on the best flight options and travel deals.
This level of personalisation may not be mainstream reality yet, but it's an indication of where we're heading. And with the data analytics and machine learning capabilities we have these days, we may soon find ourselves booking holidays to destinations we didn't even realise we wanted to go to.