
   Conditions of applying for a visa 签证条件

  A: I have heard that you are going to Singapore for an international educational conference next month, is it true?
  B: Yes, if eveything goes smoothly.
  A: Wonderful. It is really a valuable chance to get to know some knowledge frontier as well as the latest teaching skills. Isn't it marvelous? Congratulations!
  B: Thank you. But the procedures to go to another country is very complicated, it's a big headache. I really do not know how to make it. I have heard that the procedures to apply for a business visa are not that easy.
  A: Don't worry so much. I went to attend an international meeting last year, and I know there are some requirements to be satisfied if you are applying for a business visa, but it is not that difficult as you have imagined. Firstly you need to have an invitation letter, which is a necessity, because the officer in the visa office will need this to confirm that there are really some proper business reasons for you to go to another country and without any ill intention.
  B: OK, I see. That means the invitation letter is the basic document I need to have. Then I will e-mail the organizer of this conference to provide me with an invitation letter.
  A: And the immigration Bureau will ask you to be physically healthy, no criminal record, and no threat to the national security. That means you have to ask the personal department of our school to provide a certificate to confirm that you do not have any of the problems.
  并且移民局会要求商务考察者身体健康,无刑事犯罪记录,对某国的国家安全不会构成威胁。所以你要到我们学校的人事部门让他们给你出具一份证明来证实你没有以上问题。 B: OK, this is not difficult. 好的,这个并不难。
  A: So, we are almost there. It is not that complicated as you imagined, huh?
  B: Yes, you are right. Thank you so much. You are really helpful. I am really honored to have a friend like you.
  “We are almost there”意为“差不多或者几乎做完了某事”,这是口语当中经常会听到的表达方式。还可以说“We are almost done.”这两种表达方式的意思基本是一样的。例如:We are almost done today, please have a good rest and come back to work with all your energy tomorrow. 今天我们的任务差不多结束了,今天回去好好休息,明天精神百倍地回来工作。