VOA常速英语2016--初露头脚的美国艺术生勤学苦练 渴望日后大红大紫(在线收听

Budding US Artists Strive to Shoot for Stars 初露头脚的美国艺术生勤学苦练 渴望日后大红大紫

At a theater outside Washington, Ari Goldbloom-Helzner is rehearsing the lead role in the stage musical based on the 1980 film Fame.

“I want to make magic. I want to be bigger than I am...“


Ari Goldbloom-Helzner is rehearsing the lead role in the stage musical based on the 1980 film Fame. He is one of 39 teenagers participating in a musical theater program, that runs from 8 o’clock in the morning to 11 o’clock at night.

Ari Goldbloom-Helzner正在排练一部改编于1980年的电影《名扬四海》的舞台音乐剧,他是该剧的主演。包括他在内共有39人参加了这次的音乐剧节目。每天早上8点开始学习,晚上11点收工。

During the day, the students take dancing, acting and singing classes,and in the evening, they apply everything they have learned to the actual production.


"It’s very intensive and I think that is the part that is the most exhausting but also the part that I most love."


The overnight camp program is run by the Young Artists of America. Opera singer Rolando Sanz co-founded the organization, which also offers programs during the school year.

本次的夜间表演营活动是由美国青年艺术家组织的,同时歌剧演员Rolando Sanz也为该活动出谋划策。在学校开学期间,该组织也会不断有节目上演。

"We are entering our sixth year, what I love about this program and what it’s becoming is that we are attracting the kids that really want to excel and to be around other kids like them."


The participants learn skills and techniques from professional artists and mentors.And they spend every waking moment preparing for the production.


Amanda Yuan has the female lead role. "I’m really tired but it is so great, I mean I’m not only having a lot of fun but I feel like really improving myself.And I’m really working myself and pushing myself to the limit and I am constantly overcoming challenges and obstacles,which is a great feeling at the end of the day."

Amanda Yuan是一出剧的女主角。“我确实累坏了,但是我很满足。我从中获得许多乐趣的同时感到自己取得了很大进步。而且我不断在挑战自我,超越极限,竭力克服一切困难和挑战,每天下来都感觉很棒。”

"I really feel like I‘ve improved my craft with Young Artists of Americaand this camp really has helped me do that as well and continue that journey. And I hopefully take that those skills and continue that journey in college and beyond."


At the end of the two week-long summer program, the aspiring artists showcase their talent and skills at a local theater.


Sanz says some students will continue to shoot for the stars, but all of them will support and appreciate performing arts throughout their lives.

