英语角-圆桌会议 RoundTable0822 - 女排精神,为中国姑娘点赞!(在线收听

 Topic1-The Women Volleyball Players' Spirit

By beating the Serbian team in the Rio Olympics' volleyball final, the Chinese women's volleyball team grabbed the gold medal. The Chinese media has been crediting the win with the so-called "Women's Volleyball Spirit".
Topic2-University Teacher Fired after Disclosing Cancer Diagnosis
A university in northwestern China's Gansu province fired a 32-year-old lecturer allegedly because she was diagnosed with ovarian cancer. Sadly, the lecturer passed away last Sunday. What the university did is obviously against the law. But how could the employer do it anyway?
Topic3-Kindergarten Requires Children Using Chopsticks
Using chopsticks is a necessary skill for all Chinese people. But in kindergarten, if 4-5 years olds are only allowed to use chopsticks for meals, is it too strict?                      