英语角-圆桌会议 RoundTable0823 - 20岁穷就要穷一辈子?(在线收听

 Topic 1-Electric Shock Therapy Treating Internet Addiction Bouncing Back

Families in China have turned to unlicensed boot camps that offer to "wean" their children, often in their teens, from the so-called internet addiction. According to Yangtse Evening News, these training camps have been associated with at least 7 deaths since 2008. Electric shock therapy used in these training camps has been banned by the Ministry of Health seven years ago. But why are these boot camps with similar so-called treatment methods seeing an expansion in business?
Topic 2-Jogging: Most Popular Way to Exercise
A fitness report compiled by CBNData found that jogging is the most popular way to exercise. It doesn't matter if you're doing it for body-building, trying to drop those extra pounds, or just a way to relieve stress, jogging is great for all the above. With the rising popularity of fitness comes with rising demand for gadgets and equipment yet gadgets are more popular with men while women prefer spending money on purchasing equipment.
Topic 3-Poor at 20, Poor for Life
A recent study conducted by the University of Massachusetts in Boston found that climbing up the earnings ladder might be harder than you think. Their results indicate that your first job's income will determine your level of earnings in the future. So, if you start off making little money, chances are you're stuck there.     