听歌学英语:Can't Feel My Face-The Weeknd(在线收听

And I know she'll be the death of me, at least we'll both be numb

深知她是我的最大克星 但至少彼此漠然便可化解尴尬种种

And she'll alwaysget the best of me, the worst is yet to come

每次争执总是甘拜下风 但真正的狂风暴雨还远远没有来到

But at least we'llboth be beautiful and stay forever young

但我们还依旧青春年少 大好未来在眼前青春永驻不用顾虑

This I know, yeah,this I know

这些我全明白 但是克制不住

She told me,"Don't worry about it"

她轻声耳语道 千万不要担心

She told me,"Don't worry no more"

她朱唇轻张 以后就没有烦恼了

We both know wecan't go without it

我们都明白 这份羁绊已经将我们绑紧

She told me you'llnever be in love, oh, oh, woo

她说道 下半辈子由我来和你共度

I can't feel myface when I'm with you

和你在一起的日子里 我的脸部都失去了知觉

But I love it, butI love it, oh

但我就喜欢这种感觉 爱上了这种感觉

I can't feel myface when I'm with you

和你在一起的时光里 总是让人觉得飘飘欲仙

But I love it, butI love it, oh

但这种感觉令人爽快 就喜欢这样度过

And I know she'llbe the death of me, at least we'll both be numb

深知她是我的最大克星 但至少彼此漠然便可化解尴尬种种

And she'll alwaysget the best of me, the worst is yet to come

每次争执总是甘拜下风 但真正的狂风暴雨还远远没有来到

All the misery wasnecessary when we're deep in love

爱情愈发浓烈让人沉沦 但悲剧种种总会不期而遇接连不断

This I know, girl,I know

这些我都懂 明晰如镜

She told me,"Don't worry about it"

她轻声耳语道 千万不要担心

She told me,"Don't worry no more"

她朱唇轻张 以后就没有烦恼了

We both know wecan't go without it

我们都明白 这份羁绊已经将我们绑紧

She told me you'llnever be in love, oh, oh, woo

她说道 下半辈子由我来和你共度

I can't feel myface when I'm with you

和你在一起的日子里 我的脸部都失去了知觉

But I love it, butI love it, oh

但我就喜欢这种感觉 爱上了这种感觉

I can't feel myface when I'm with you

和你在一起的时光里 总是让人觉得飘飘欲仙

But I love it, butI love it, oh

但这种感觉令人爽快 就喜欢这样度过

I can't feel myface when I'm with you

和你在一起的日子里 我的脸部都失去了知觉

But I love it, butI love it, oh

但我就喜欢这种感觉 爱上了这种感觉

I can't feel myface when I'm with you

和你在一起的时光里 总是让人觉得飘飘欲仙

But I love it, butI love it, oh

但这种感觉令人爽快 就喜欢这样度过

She told me,"Don't worry about it"

她轻声耳语道 千万不要担心

She told me,"Don't worry no more"

她朱唇轻张 以后就没有烦恼了

We both know wecan't go without it

我们都明白 这份羁绊已经将我们绑紧

She told me you'llnever be in love, oh, oh, woo

她说道 下半辈子由我来和你共度

I can't feel myface when I'm with you

和你在一起的日子里 我的脸部都失去了知觉

But I love it, butI love it, oh

但我就喜欢这种感觉 爱上了这种感觉

I can't feel my facewhen I'm with you

和你在一起的时光里 总是让人觉得飘飘欲仙

But I love it, butI love it, oh

但这种感觉令人爽快 就喜欢这样度过

I can't feel myface when I'm with you

和你在一起的日子里 我的脸部都失去了知觉

But I love it, butI love it, oh

但我就喜欢这种感觉 爱上了这种感觉

I can't feel myface when I'm with you

和你在一起的时光里 总是让人觉得飘飘欲仙

But I love it, butI love it, oh

但这种感觉令人爽快 就喜欢这样度过

And I know she'llbe the death of me, at least we'll both be numb

深知她是我的最大克星 但至少彼此漠然便可化解尴尬种种

at least至少


Try toeat at least four slices of bread a day.


She told me,"Don't worry no more"

她朱唇轻张 以后就没有烦恼了

No more 不再


Their replies were no more than grunts of acknowledgement.


All the misery wasnecessary when we're deep in love

爱情愈发浓烈让人沉沦 但悲剧种种总会不期而遇接连不断

Misery痛苦 不幸 穷困 悲惨的境遇


Theirenergies were focussed on the alleviation of the refugees' misery.

