
Make Lists
Lists are great for just about everything: groceries, errands, homework assignments. Free up some brain space by putting everything you need to get done on a list. Better yet, buy a small notebook and keep a running, dated list. Everything you need to remember goes in the book. When we try to remember everything with brainpower alone, especially the older we get, the less gray matter we seem to have left for the really important things, like studying.
If you are a smartphone fan (who isn't?!), you'll find lots of apps to help you stay organized. Find one that fits your style and works the way you prefer to work. Then be sure to use it!
Make lists, keep them with you, whether on paper or in your phone or on your tablet, and revel in the satisfaction of crossing items off when you've completed them. There's extra satisfaction in adding something to your list that you've just completed so you can cross it off!