
   hit the brakes : 停车

  I nearly went through the window when I hit the brake. I thought it was ABS.
  run a red light: 闯红灯
  She is so careless when driving and she just runs a red light.
  cut someone off:强行超车
  People like to cut each other off in this country.
  tailgate: 后面的车离的很近
  Some jerk was tailgating me all the way to work.
  pull over: 把车开到路肩(一般指警察把车逼停)
  I got pulled over by the police on my way to school.
  pull out of : 开车出来
  I just pulled out of the parking lot.
  speed up =accelerate: 加速
  We are getting late, and we need to speed up a little bit.
  make a u-turn:掉头(180度)
  I  saw a police officer at the end of the block, so I made a U-Turn.
  roundabout: 转盘(四个方向都可以去)
  At the roundabout, take the third exit.
  They made a detour to avoid the town center.
  pull in: 开进, 进站
  He pulled in for some gas.