了解炒股的最新途径 看微博搜帖子!(在线收听

   More than 125 million Chinese use their Sina Weibo accounts every day to gossip about celebrities, find hip restaurants and stay in touch with family. They also talk about stocks.

  At least a dozen developers are introducing products that use artificial intelligence to scour social-media posts in China for comments about shares on the Shanghai and Shenzhen exchanges.
  The software searches for keywords and then distills its findings into summaries of whether investors are positive or negative about particular companies.
  Individuals comprise the majority of investors in China's $6.4-trillion stock market, and institutional traders want tools to find out which ways the retail crowd are leaning before making their own decisions.
  Programs such as Market Mood, FinSentS and WiseEnterprise that analyze Internet forums are part of the $1.2b spent annually by financial-services firms on market-data feeds, according to consulting firm Greenwich Associates.
  咨询公司格林威治联合称,金融服务公司每年在市场数据信息上花费12亿美元,其中一部分就投向了Market Mood、FinSentS和WiseEnterprise这类分析网络论坛的程序。
  "If you see the Chinese stock market, people just react to any news flow coming from WeChat, Weibo or any type of social media," said Kevin Leung, director for global investment strategy at Haitong International Securities Group Ltd in Hong Kong. "There is definitely an impact on stocks."
  The programs also help investors follow company-generated posts on Sina Weibo.
  Other Chinese social-media networks being scraped include Caiku and East Money, which host blogs about stock trading.
  中国其他受到密切关注 的社交媒体网络包括财库网和东方财富网,这两个网站汇集了有关股票交易的博客。