
   To the east coast, NYC, Washington, D.C., Miami, and down through the Caribbean It was when I returned home to Oregon, immediately after I returned home.

  到东海岸 纽约市 华盛顿特区 迈阿密 还去了加勒比我一回到俄勒冈的家中
  And my Dad said, "Okay, now what?" Sound familiar?.
  老爸就问 "好了 下面怎么办"听起来耳熟吧
  Well, I really didn't have a specific plan I knew I wanted to get started on my career.
  I didn't want to go to grad school and I loved business, and of course sports.
  我不想去读研究生而我喜爱经商 也喜爱运动
  So I applied, and was accepted into one of the regional department store executive training programs.
  When asked what department I was interested in, my reply was obvious i'll take sporting goods.
  当有人问我对哪一块感兴趣时 毫无疑问我的回答是体育运动商品
  Not long after that I ran into a long-time family friend whom I had grown up with.
  He had run track for the University of Oregon under the legendary track coach, Bill Bowerman.
  他在俄勒冈大学当过田径运动员师从于传奇田径教练 比尔.鲍尔曼
  After graduation, he had gone to work for this small start-up shoe company started by Bowerman and one of his former athletes, Phil Knight.
  毕业后 他到一个很小的刚成立的鞋业公司中工作这个公司是鲍尔曼和他原来的运动员菲尔.奈特所创立
  Bowerman was always tinkering with ways to make lighter, better shoes and give his athletes a competitive advantage.
  And Knight had finished his MBA at Stanford writing his thesis on.
  How to manufacture athletic footwear in Asia much more efficiently So they birthed an idea, shook hands.
  如何在亚洲更高效地生产运动鞋他们于是碰撞出思路 开始携手合作
  And eventually named their company Nike after the Greek goddess of victory.
  最终 他们将公司命名为耐克以希腊胜利女神的名字命名