
   Then there was the tipping point It paid me $100 a month more than I was currently making.

  然后是直接让我心动的他愿意在我现在的酬劳上 一个月多给我100美元
  I'll make it So I made the leap, but with a conscious commitment to myself.
  于是我接受了我完成了跳跃 不过我向自己保证
  I would do this for a maximum of five years then I would go get a real job and a real career.
  Now I can honestly say I never had to go get that real job The career thing worked out okay.
  现在来看 老实说 我再也不需要找什么真正工作了我的职业生涯非常顺利
  34 years later I have lived and traveled all over the world been to every major sporting event there is.
  34年后 我到世界各地旅行和居住身临其境地观看每一项重要体育赛事
  Met and worked with some of the smartest, most creative people on the planet i've met with Presidents, Prime Ministers, and World Leaders.
  同地球上最聪明 最具创造性的人们碰面 同他们一同工作我见过各国总统 首相 世界范围内的领袖
  And call some of the greatest athletes of our time close friends I have a pretty good gig to say the list.
  同当今体坛最伟大的运动员称兄道弟要列名单的话 这会很长
  So here I am, celebrating with you here today and I'm truly exited about that.
  今天 我在这里同你们一同庆祝对此 我非常激动
  As I thought about how to approach this conversation many different ways crossed my mind.
  But what I landed on was something that has served me well over my career Let's keep it simple.
  So what I want to do is ask and attempt to give some insights on 3 simple questions.
  我想做的是提出三个简单问题 并给出我的个人理解
  First, what do you want to do? Second, what should you do?.
  第一是 你想做什么第二是 你应该做什么