刘毅词汇 10000 第三部分(在线收听


vocabulary 10000 第三部分

Lesson 7

She continued to work in a blithe spirit in spite of all difficulties.

She was feeling dejected and unhappy until the good news cheered her up.

He is an erratic fellow whose actions are usually completely unpredictable.

When he was a child, his life contained noble ambitions and immaculate thought.

The little girl loathed leaving her mother for studying abroad.

The woman in this painting has a pensive smile.

I was restarted from keeping an appointment by a business conference that lasted most of the day.

She was proud of her stalwart good-looking grandson.

During his illness he shunned all society, and in particular those who had been his dearest.

They quarreled with such a loud noise that their voices were audible to the neighbor.

The new boy had an auspicious first day in the elementary school.

She was filled with elation at the new that she won the first prize in her class.

The haughty man thinks highly of himself while holding others in contempt.

The officer’s violation of a regulation is more of jeopardy than the enlisted man’s offense.

It is mandatory to pay a debt within a certain period of time.

The teacher rebuked the student for throwing the examination paper on the floor.

Not many people came to see the game; the sparse crowd was scattered thinly through the stadium

A miser gives undue importance to making and saving money.

The doctor’s friendly manner helped the patient allay his fear.

Gluttony and drunkenness have been called carnal vices.

A family name becomes defunct when the only heir dies without any son.

Of the many plans submitted the committee selected the plan that seemed most feasible.

The boy showed ingenuity in making toys out of scraps of discarded wood.

My joke caused a great deal of mirth among the little children.

Soldiers on the battlefield lead a precarious life.

Some people believe that fate has preordained whether they will be happy or unhappy.

At the council broad he was taciturn and never opened his lips.

His eldest brother died after the venomous bite from the rattlesnake.

The doctor said there was nothing amiss with her.

This anthology comprises samples from the work of ten authors.

Families that quarrel in the privacy of the home do well do dissemble when they to out to dinner.

A glib door to door salesman sold her a set of books that she did not want.

Before World War II, the French thought their Magnet Line as an invincible bulwark against German invasion.

The lazy little boy gave his face perfunctory washing.

The Disneyland tour was replete with unexpected thrills and suspense.

We respectfully solicit your continuous friendship and patronage.

The nation will soon be liberated from the foulest thralldom.

Give the flowers some water regularly, or they will wilt.

That abominable place was so dirty and evil smelling that he turned away in disgust.

Brainy students could understand easily what the teacher explained to them.

As the mooring progressed, the weather deteriorated more and more.

In German he was an exquisite stylist, and he brought to that language a new sensitivity in the art of story telling.

Cancer is no longer an incurable disease nowadays, it can be remedied by using radioactivity.

Manual workers often earn more than office workers do.

This workbook has a teacher’s manual in which examination problems and their answers are included.

He is a potential leader to control this large state.

They are such ruthless parents that they never give presents to the children on Christmas Day.

Her explanations for failure to do the work were voluble but not easily believed.

Theatre lobbies were filled with a vociferous crowd during the intermission.

Lesson 8

The weather in early December was bleak and unpleasant.

The electric inspector was castigated for having failed to check the wire as he was supposed to.

We should overcome the worst that the tyrant’s enmity can do.

In any case, parents should be impartial to their every child.

The teacher asked me to give a lucid explanation of my being late for class.

The old man is confused most of the time but he does have lucid moments.

A square has four 90-degree angles made by its four perpendicular.

In retrospect, many good opportunities were neglected in my lire.

The politician showed a good sagacity avoiding the mistakes he’d made in the previous campaign.

Urbane speech is educated speech, as distinguished from the speech of the ignorant.

After Redding about the lives of several great Americans, John became an ardent student of American history.

I can’t bear his derogatory remarks about my brother’s character.

I won’t tell you what time to leave; you’re old enough to use your own discretion.

The house of the meetings will be fixed at the chairman’s discretion.

The party got quite hilarious after they brought more wine.

It is a paramount responsibility of every officer to take care of his men before caring for himself.

Houses and trees seem to recede as we ride past in a train.

The whole city was rife with rumors of political corruption and bribery.

Both sides burst into spontaneous cheers at the magician’s skillful tricks.

The air ten miles above the earth is very tenuous.

A baseball player usually reaches the acme of his skill before he is thirty.

He spared no one’s feelings and expressed his views with great candor.

The father finally dissuaded his son from leaving school.

Her advice was quite gratuitous, I can think for myself.

The house of representatives has the sole power to impeach an officer of the United States Government.

Her ostensible purpose was to borrow some sugar, but she really wanted to see her neighbor’s new furniture.

The poor painter sold his paintings for a paltry sum of money.

The poor family lived in a sordid log cabin in the valley.

She makes it a rule to keep her room neat and tidy after coming back from school.

One tall boy stood aloof from all the small children.

Regular meals and exercise are of cardinal importance to our health.

There are many drab houses in the Smokey mining town.

The life of a person who never does anything is dull and drab.

The two families had been at feud with each other for three generations.

His insolent speech and behavior upset everyone in the room.

The judge said that nothing could mitigate the cruelty with which the man had treated the child.

A summary of the events leading up to this situation would be pertinent information.

His predecessor quit because he was not in the least interested in this kind of job.

Let me apologize for my being tardy in answering your letter.

You’d think she would never climb again, after falling down the mountain, but it just whetted her appetite.

The man accused of stealing the money was acquitted for lack of witnesses.

Be careful not to break the box of glass, that thin glass is hard but brittle.

The ugly frame detracts from the beauty of the famous picture.

To extirpate weeds is not only to destroy their visible parts but also to pull them out by the roots.

The indulent mother bought her children everything they wanted.

The indulgent teacher praised every poem we wrote.

The mendacious beggar told a different tale of woe at every house.

For my own sake, I’ve told a plausible lie at the club meeting, but the members did not believe me at all.

We have the sanction of the recreation department to play ball in this park.

Youngsters usually rush into marriage with only the shallow notions of what love and responsibility mean.

We parked the car on the grass verge at the side of the highway.

Lesson 9

No one in the adjacent apartments was awakened by their quarreling sounds.

The spring floods were a great calamity to the farmers whose crops and houses were ruined.

The floods and storms, which have no precedent in the recorded history, devastated the country.

The exultant players were dancing on the ground over their team’s victory.

The wealth of our country seems inexhaustible to many people abroad.

We saw a maudlin movie about an orphan who lost his parents in the war.

The enemies plundered all the valuable things they could find in the village.

A scrupulous man never fails to give back the borrowed money to its owner.

From sundry hints, I guessed I was to be given a bicycle for my birthday present.

The children made zealous efforts to clean up the house for the Christmas party.

We wonder if human beings are primarily altruistic or selfish.

The public clamor for lower taxes continued year after year.

The old manuscripts had been disintegrated into a pile of fragments and dust.

Although Napoleon was Corsican, he is considered by most modern Frenchmen to have been French as their own forebears.

The boy who found it on the street returned the money intact.

We did not molest the big dog because we were afraid of him.

The mourner’s profuse tears at the burial were heartbreaking.

He was slack in fulfilling his promises and responsibilities.

Tart apples taste sharp and are pleasantly acid in their taste.

This plan looks all right in principle, but in practice it wouldn’t be viable.

The carpenters made the roof aslant to allow water to run down.

They conceded that victory was no longer attainable and agreed to a negotiated surrender.

She could not allow the stranger to enter her house, for she distrusted him.

The table is very groggy. I think the leg is going to fall off.

The intrepid fireman saved persons trapped in a burning building disregarding of his own safety.

We found it hard to like the boy because of his overbearing manners.

Only a rash person would have rushed into the burning house to save some clothes.

Though polio has been practically wiped out, there have been sporadic cases of the disease.

Fumes from automobiles and factory chimneys are toxic.

The driver averted an accident by a quick turn of the steering wheel.

Mother deduced from my loss of appetites what had happened to the cookies.

Our ship embarked passengers and wool at an Australian port.

After leaving college, the young man embarked on a new business career.

The boy humiliated his parents by behaving badly in front of the guests.

A gregarious man, be enjoyed the companionship of a large number of jovial friends.

Baseball has been called American’s national pastime through four seasons.

The prince renounced his right to the throne.

My grandmother likes to read a newspaper in a snug corner near the fireplace.

She doesn’t need to borrow a book because she’s got umpteen books waiting to be read at home.

The boy blurred the picture by touching it before the paint was dry.

The slums were demolished before the town was extended.

Education makes people easy to govern but impossible to enslave.

Many a man is impeded in his career by a lack of belief in himself.

The mother lulled the baby to sleep by singing a song.

In the court the plaintiff asserted that the thief had stolen two hundred dollars from his store.

He was strong and healthy but he’s never been robust since his illness.

We had a strenuous day moving into our new house.

Pollution from smoke and dust vitiates the air.

All his attempts to improve were vitiated by his lack of will power.

