

From Lower Manhattan to the Pentagon, a day of remembrance send reminders that the fight against terrorism continues.

"What we face in the context of the global terrorist movement is a long term problem associated with social, economic and political issues across that region and the world, which has created such a widespread radicalization that one group after another has sprung up over the years," said Retired Marine Gen. John Allen on ABC's This Week program.

U.S. officials know the threat has evolved.

“We are safer when it comes to protecting against another 9/11-style terrorist-directed attack from overseas. We are in a new environment, however, where we have to be prepared against and try to prevent lone wolf-style attacks, the self-radicalized actor,” Secretary of Homeland Security Jeh Johnson told ABC.

The administration's critics want a more muscular U.S. posture on the world stage.

“We're sitting back waiting for the next attack. We should be on offense,” said former New York City mayor Rudi Giuliani.

It's a message Donald Trump delivers at every rally.

“We will remember those three very famous words: peace through strength. Nobody's going to mess with us,” said Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump.

But a modicum of restraint is also required, according to Hillary Clinton.

“You've heard Donald Trump say he would order our troops to torture. You've heard him say he would order troops to kill family members of terrorists. You would know that he is advocating illegal actions against our own laws as well as the laws of war,” said Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton.


While a ferocious presidential contest exposes rifts in a bitterly polarized nation, the 9/11 anniversary recalls a time when Americans rallied as one.











