美国文化脱口秀 第392期:美国人爱看哪些美剧?(在线收听


  The Emmys were just handed out: 艾美奖刚颁
  We'll talk about different viewing habits when it comes to TV shows in America: 今天说说美国人看剧的喜好习惯,和中国有些不同呢
  The Emmys
  The Oscars
  The Grammys
  Because each award has many categories: 因为每个奖都有好多类别,所以要加S
  They try to make the show fun and entertaining: 颁奖典礼都走幽默搞笑路线
  A standup comedian usually hosts the ceremony: 通常由大排喜剧演员、脱口秀主持人主持
  The opening monologue is really important in these shows: 开场白是最关键的
  Talk shows are a huge part of American life: 脱口秀是美国人生活的重要组成部分
  Talk shows always reference to pop culture and current events: 节目会谈流行文化、时事
  What a roast!
  The hosts make fun of politicians and celebrities: 主持人都会拿政客、明星开涮
  When talk show hosts make fun of famous people, it's called a "roast": 脱口秀主持人手撕名人政客,英语叫“roast"
  As in roast meat: 就是烤肉的那个“烤”
  They roasted Donald Trump at the Emmys: 这次艾美奖,川普就被roast惨了
  We just call them TV shows: 我们就说电视剧
  The 2 main categories are either comedy or drama: 两大类,喜剧、剧情剧
  1.Dramady (drama+comedy): 剧情类喜剧
  It's not as serious as drama, but not just about being funny as comedy: 不像剧情剧那么严肃,但又不像喜剧一味搞笑
  比如HBO的Silicon Valley (硅谷), 就属于dramady
  2.Docudrama (documentary+drama): 纪录片式的剧情片
  It's filmed documentary style, but it's a drama: 拍得很像纪录片,但其实是个剧情片
  这次艾美奖拿了好几个奖项的People v. O.J. Simpson (美国犯罪故事:辛普森杀妻案)就是一部docudrama
  Two Broke Girls, Big Bang Theory
  Two Broke Girls and Big Bang Theory were not nominated for Outstanding Comedy Series at this year's Emmys: Two Broke Girls和Big Bang Theory这次都没被提名
  Does it mean they are not as popular? 是因为它们在美国没那么受欢迎吗?
  They might not have a current season: 可能正好提名季没有播
  Also the Emmy nominations now tend to recognize newer, lesser known shows in order to bring attention to them:而且艾美奖提名现在更倾向表彰那些少有人知的新剧,以此让大家注意
  The name of this show comes from an old saying: 这部戏的名字来自于一个英语说法
  "Jack of all trades, master of none": 样样都会一点儿,但没一样精通, 就是三脚猫的意思
  It's not just about white Americans. It's created by Asian Americans: 这部戏的视角不是白人, 而是亚裔美国人
  It talks about these second and third generation immigrants and their lives, their clashes with mainstream society: 它讲述了第二第三代亚裔美国人在美国的生活、虽然已经是美国人,但还是会遇到和主流文化的一些冲突
  The show's co-creators Alan Yang and Aziz Ansari won best writing for a comedy series:这部戏的编剧Alan Yang和Aziz Ansari赢得了这次艾美奖的最佳喜剧类编剧
  节目里给大家放的那段Alan Yang得奖感言也道出了很多亚裔美国人的心声:
  “There’s 17 million Asian-Americans in this country, and there’s 17 million Italian Americans. They have The Godfather, Goodfellas, Rocky, The Sopranos. We got Long Duk Dong, so we’ve got a long way to go.”
  “Asian parents out there, if you can do me a favor: Just a couple of you, get your kids cameras instead of violins, we’ll all be good.”
  这部戏的主演Aziz Ansari是进入美国主流文化圈的印度裔美国人
  He is a famous standup comedian: 是个很有名的脱口秀演员
  He was on shows like Parks and Rec: 他演过美剧喜剧“公园与休憩”
  “Parks and Rec”也是一部在美国口碑很好, 但在国内知名度不高的喜剧。
  代表美剧:Silicon Valley (硅谷)
  Silicon Valley's popularity reflects the rise of the startup culture and the rise of geeks:“硅谷”这部戏受欢迎反应了美国创业文化的热潮,还有奇客理工男的崛起
  Entrepreneurial culture: 创业文化
  If you're into technology, startup, you'll love this show: 如果你对科技、科技创业感兴趣,你应该会喜欢这部戏
  代表美剧:Transparent (透明人生)
  The issue of transgender, gender fluidity are hot-button issues in American society: 变性、性别流动性是美国社会近来的热题
  代表美剧:Veep (副总统)
  This show is the complete opposite of House of Cards: 这部戏和《纸牌屋》是完全相反的
  The perspective on House of Cards is everything is a conspiracy and there's a mastermind behind everything: 《纸牌屋》的世界观是一切都是阴谋,有一个人幕后操控、主导一切
  On Veep (nickname for Vice President), national and international politics are just office politics: 在《副总统》里,国家政治、国际政治无非就是办公室政治
  Politicians have power but their power is very fragile: 政客虽然有权力,但这种权力是非常脆弱的
  This show is extremely popular among well-educated viewers in America: 这部戏在美国知识分子中特别受欢迎
  It's so funny, intelligent, the writing and the acting is so spot on: 无论是编剧、还是演出,都特别幽默、睿智,十分到位
  It's a ducodrama, dramady: 它的风格是纪录片、喜剧、剧情片
  There has been an explosion of high quality TV shows: 这两年高质量美剧井喷
  Networks, cable channels and streaming services are all investing heavily in productions:无线台、有线台、在线服务(如Netflix)都大手笔投入电视剧
  Top talents from film are all doing TV now: 搞电影的一流人才现在都来做电视剧了
  It's what they call prestige TV: 这类高质量剧叫prestige TV
  It's hard to discover and keep up with so many great new shows: 那么多好看的美剧,追都追不过来