乔布斯传 第207期:像一块滚石(4)(在线收听

   Jobs's overwrought reaction was understandable.

  Sculley had once been a father figure to him. So had Mike Markkula. So had Arthur Rock.
  That week all three had abandoned him.
  "It gets back to the deep feeling of being rejected at an early age," his friend and lawyer George Riley later said.
  "It's a deep part of his own mythology, and it defines to himself who he is."
  Jobs recalled years later, "I felt like I'd been punched, the air knocked out of me and I couldn't breathe."
  Losing the support of Arthur Rock was especially painful.
  "Arthur had been like a father to me," Jobs said. "He took me under his wing."
  Rock had taught him about opera, and he and his wife, Toni, had been his hosts in San Francisco and Aspen.
  "I remember driving into San Francisco one time, and I said to him, 'God, that Bank of America building is ugly,'
  and he said, 'No, it's the best,' and he proceeded to lecture me, and he was right of course."
  Years later Jobs's eyes welled with tears as he recounted the story:
  "He chose Sculley over me. That really threw me for a loop. I never thought he would abandon me."