乔布斯传 第208期:像一块滚石(5)(在线收听

   Making matters worse was that his beloved company was now in the hands of a man he considered a bozo.

  "The board felt that I couldn't run a company, and that was their decision to make," he said.
  "But they made one mistake. They should have separated the decision of what to do with me and what to do with Sculley.
  They should have fired Sculley, even if they didn't think I was ready to run Apple."
  Even as his personal gloom slowly lifted, his anger at Sculley, his feeling of betrayal, deepened.
  The situation worsened when Sculley told a group of analysts that he considered Jobs irrelevant to the company, despite his title as chairman.
  "From an operations standpoint, there is no role either today or in the future for Steve Jobs," he said.
  "I don't know what he'll do."
  The blunt comment shocked the group, and a gasp went through the auditorium.
  Perhaps getting away to Europe would help, Jobs thought.
  So in June he went to Paris, where he spoke at an Apple event and went to a dinner honoring Vice President George H. W. Bush.