
   1. Stop caring what your jean or dress size is.

  1. 不要再关心自己的牛仔裤或裙子尺码了。
  My precious lovely human, please stop caring what your clothing size is because it truly does not matter. In any given store, I can wear between a 2 and a 12, and none of it makes sense. When I finally stopped caring if the number had single digits or double digits and just focused on if it made me look awesome or not, I enjoyed clothes a lot more.
  2. Stop comparing your body to other women's.
  2. 不要再和别人比较身材。
  I had a totally miserable conversation with a woman around the age of 18 during a backstage costume fitting for a play we were both in and she couldn't stop talking about how my thighs were smaller than hers, which instantly made me say, "Yeah, but your waist is smaller than mine!" and then we both felt like trash cans and the whole thing was pointless. Your body has amazing things that only your body has. Someone being smaller or larger than you has nothing to do with how great you are. Please hear me on this because I am right and also that leads me to happiness.
  3. Give yourself a compliment every time you pass a mirror.
  3. 每次经过镜子前时,可以赞美一声自己。
  It's so easy to get in the habit of immediately pointing out your flaws when you get in front of a mirror, so go radically in the other direction and compliment yourself every time you look into one, even if it's just on the awesome outfit you put together. It can be simple or it can be a whole Oscar-nominated speech about your own strength and beauty. Mine is usually just, "Yes! Killin' it!" whispered to my reflection.
  4. Stop dating guys who make you feel bad about yourself.
  4. 不要再和让你感觉糟糕的男生约会了。
  I truly believe, with every single part of me, that your partner should make you feel like the hottest, smartest, coolest woman on the planet. Seriously. Number one. It's you. Forever. If he does anything less than this, I promise you, you will never regret letting him "get away."