留美老师带你每日说英文 第572期:用白人演花木兰(在线收听


  Fans of the 1998 film, based on the Chinese legend of Hua Mulan, are worried Hollywood's tendency to whitewash characters of color will continue. Natalie Molnar started an online petition to convince Disney not to cast white actors in roles meant for people of color in the "Mulan" remake.
  这部1998年的经典动画取材自中国传奇故事《花木兰》,影迷们担心好莱坞还会持续其将电影角色洗白的趋势。Natalie Molnar因此发起网络联署,希望说服迪斯尼在重新拍摄《花木兰》时,不要让白人来演应该由有色人种所担任的角色。
  1.legend 传说
  legend (n.) 传说
  legendary (adj.) 传说的
  2.tendency 倾向
  tendency (n.) 倾向
  tend (v.) 趋于
  3.petition 请愿、联署
  petition (n.) 请愿、联署
  4.convince 使信服
  convince (v.) 使信服
  persuade (v.) 说服
  5.cast 投、踯
  cast (v.) 投、踯
  cast (n.) 阵容