美国大选第二场辩论 特朗普与希拉里展开激烈交锋(在线收听

   US Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump apologized last Sunday night during the second presidential debate for his lewd remarks about women, but reiterated that was "locker room banter."

  The 90-minute contentious debate got off to a chilly start when the two candidates greeted each other without the traditional handshake.
  It quickly turned into an acrimonious discussion of a 2005 video that emerged last Friday in which Trump was heard using vulgar language and talking about groping women without consent.
  美国大选第二场辩论 特朗普与希拉里展开激烈交锋
  Trump denied ever sexually assaulting women, but turned his fire on ex-president Bill Clinton.
  The defiant Trump attacked Bill Clinton for his treatment of women and vowed, if he won the White House, to put Hillary Clinton in jail for operating a private email server while serving as the US secretary of state.
  Hillary responded that Trump's comments showed he was unfit for the White House.
  She also insisted there was "no evidence" that her server had been hacked and that any classified information had ended up in the wrong hands.