

The United States is partnering with Uzbekistan to provide food assistance to those most in need. On Wednesday, September 14, 2016, the Ambassador of the United States to Uzbekistan, Pamela L. Spratlen; Deputy Minister of Health, Dr. Laziz Tuichiev; and Chairperson of the Board of the International NGO Charitable Foundation Sog'lom Avlod Uchun, Svetlana Inamova announced the arrival of a new food aid shipment provided by the USAID International Food Relief Partnership Program.

美国正与乌兹别克斯坦合作,向极度贫穷人口提供粮食援助。2016年9月14日,周三,美国驻乌兹别克斯坦大使帕梅拉、卫生部副部长Laziz Tuichiev、国际非政府组织慈善基金会董事会主席Sog'lom Avlod Uchun、斯维特拉娜宣布,由美国国际开发署国际粮食援助合作项目提供的新一批粮食援助已由海运抵达。

In cooperation with the Government of Uzbekistan and other partners USAID will distribute over 112 metric tons of enriched food aid to 21,200 people across Uzbekistan.


Representatives from four of Uzbekistan's Ministries including Health, Public Education and Foreign Affairs, along with the U.S. Embassy, Resource and Policy Exchange, Inc. and other partners took part in announcing the sixth round of this food relief program.


The program, which runs through June 2017, will provide nutritious food for children with disabilities, tuberculosis patients and patients in medical facilities. The current shipment, valued at $311,447 will be provided to residents of 139 local institutions, including the Muruvvat and Sahovat homes, and other specialized treatment facilities across Uzbekistan.


The food assistance includes dried lentil blends enriched with vitamins and minerals that will be used to prepare soup for the residents of these institutions. Sog'lom Avlod Uchun will deliver the food aid to the recipient institutions and monitor their distribution.

供给的粮食包括富含多种维生素和矿物质的干扁豆——给上述机构的乌兹别克斯坦人民做汤用。Sog'lom Avlod Uchun将会亲自为上述接收机构递送粮食,并监督粮食分发情况。

Since 1992, USAID has provided more than $356 million in assistance to Uzbekistan.


The U.S. proud to work with its longtime partner Uzbekistan to help Uzbekistan's most vulnerable meet their critical nutrition needs.

