
   Some of those communities are still very poor There are still a lot of gangs out there But I believe that it was those small victories.

  这些社区中有一些仍然很贫穷那里仍然有很多的帮派出没但我相信 就是这些小小的胜利
  That helped me win the bigger victories of my last three and a half years as President And I wish I could say that this perseverance.
  Came from some innate toughness in me But the truth is, it was learned I got it from watching the people who raised me.
  源于我与生俱来的某种毅力但事实是 这是后天学到的我是从养育我的人身上学到的
  More specifically I got it from watching the women who shaped my life I grew up as the son of a single mom.
  Who struggled to put herself through school and make ends meet She had marriages that fell apart.
  Even went on food stamps at one point to help us get by But she didn't quit And she earned her degree.
  And made sure that through scholarships and hard work my sister and I earned ours She used to wake me up when we were living overseas.
  并确保我和我妹妹能依靠奖学金和辛勤努力来获得我们的学位当我们在海外生活时 她常常叫我起床
  Wake me up before dawn to study my English lessons And when I'd complain.
  She'd just look at me and say This is no picnic for me either, buster And my mom ended up dedicating herself.
  她就会看着我说小子 这对我也并不轻松我的母亲最终完全投入到
  To helping women around the world access the money they needed to start their own businesses she was an early pioneer in microfinance.
  And that meant, though, that she was gone a lot and she had her own struggles trying to figure out balancing motherhood and a career.