英语角-圆桌会议 RoundTable1013 - 地下试管婴儿黑市(在线收听

Topic 1 - Underground Tube Baby Market
The demand of tube babies has been increased in China. Recently, a woman received the tube baby treatment from an underground clinic in Guangzhou and ended up with her body seriously hurt. Why did she go to the small clinic? What can we do to crack down on this illegal tube baby market?
Topic 2 - Home Economics Major Become Popular in China
The major of home economics has become so popular here in China, that many employers for the degree are approaching students before they graduate. What is this major about? Why is it popular?
Topic 3 - Unbelievably Weird University Rules
Physical health testing can't be more common for university students in China. However, when contracts are involved, is it really so normal? What's going on and why are these contracts getting attention?          