留美老师带你每日说英文 第575期:演讲成功的关键(在线收听


  First, start with some fancy footwork, a fact or an anecdote that will hook the audience in and get them to pay attention to you. Then throw a couple of swings supporting evidence for your arguments. Stats, personal stories, something that will start to convince the audience that you're taking control.
  1.fancy 别致的
  fancy (adj.) 别致的
  fantasy (n.) 幻想
  2.anecdote 趣闻轶事
  anecdote (n.) 趣闻轶事
  antidote (n.) 解药、解毒剂
  3.audience 听众
  audience (n.) 听众
  audio (adj.) 听觉的
  visual (adj.) 视力的
  4.attention 注意力
  attention (n.) 注意力
  attentive (adj.) 留心的
  5.evidence 证据
  evidence (n.) 证据
  evidently (adv.) 显然地
  proof (n.) 证据
  proofread (v.) 校对
  6.convince 说服
  convince (v.) 说服
  convincing (adj.) 有说服力的
  persuade (v.) 说服
  persuasive (adj.) 劝诱的