英语角-圆桌会议 RoundTable1017 - 从手机爆炸门看危机公关(在线收听

Topic 1-Different Recall Policy of Samsung Galaxy Note 7
Samsung has finally decided to recall all the Note 7 smartphones sold in the Chinese mainland and pull the model from sale last Tuesday. Yeah, but that’s after one month since Samsung have recalled the models sold in many other countries such as the US.
Topic 2-Civil servants picking up kids during business hours
Being a civil servant is like holding an iron rice bowl, it’s stable with enviable benefits attached. Recently, in Beijing, a regulation that aims at correcting civil servants’ work behavior has effectively stopped civil servants from picking up children during business hours. Is it a good idea to stop this hidden perk?
Topic 3-Sex noise up neighborhood
A few days ago, residents in a building in Chongqing found a notice in the elevator, saying: “To whomever living on the 18th floor, I was woken up by your happy screaming AGAIN last night. I understand that you and your husband are enjoying a very satisfying relationship…”The notice meant to ask the couple to keep it down in the bedroom.         