美联社新闻一分钟 AP 2016-10-14(在线收听


This is AP News Minute.

In North Carolina, rescuers patrolled low-lying areas Wednesday as floodwaters continued to rise following Hurricane Matthew. The state's governer says more damage is still to come for many in the east. The storm left at least 35 dead in the US.

Samsung has begun shipping fire-resistance boxes to owners of the Galaxy Note 7 as part of the massive recall of the phone. The kit also contains safety gloves. Samsung has recalled all Galaxy S7 phones and says it's stopping production after numerous reports of batteries overheating and catching fire.

A house explosion in suburban Chicago injuried 2 utility workers Tuesday night. Authorities say the explosion stemmed from an earlier gas leak. The surrounding area was evacuated as precaution.

And in Little Rock, Arkansa, a bridge finally collapses. Workers had tried to bring defunct bridge down with explosives Tuesday, but that didn't work. Eventually a cable was reached the bridge, allowing it to be pulled down from a barge.

Robert Bumsted, Associated Press with AP News Minute.
