英语角-圆桌会议 RoundTable1018 - 宜家成老年相亲圣地(在线收听

Topic1-Going to Black Market to Buy Cheap Medicines at High Price
Protamine Sulfate Injection, a cheap but necessary medicine for heart surgery, has often been out of stock around the country since 5 years ago. Desperate patients go to the black market to buy the cheap medicine at a high price. How could hospitals NOT be equipped with such live-saving medicine?
Topic2-IKEA Xuhui Branch in Shanghai Banned Elders for Blind Dating
Swedish furniture maker IKEA’s Xuhui branch in Shanghai has released a new company policy of “no food, no seat” in its café.
Topic3-Blue Mushroom is China's New Internet Meme
When the phrase lanshouxianggu (蓝瘦香菇) started trending on Chinese social-networking sites, many internet users are left scratching their heads. What does that mean? Why does it become so popular all of a sudden?     