
模仿文本:But first a film about the Australian musician and writer Nick Cave that is one of my favourite films of the year. 20,000 Days On Earth purports to be a record of one day in Cave's life. He lives in Brighton around the time he was recording his last album Push the Sky Away. The title song from Nick Cave's last album which he began recording on his 20,000th day on earth. But this isn't one of those knocking-around-the-recording-studio fly-on-the-wall documentaries.
译文:但是首先我们来看一下我个人年度最喜爱的电影之一:有关澳大利亚音乐家兼作家尼克•凯夫的《地球两万天》。本片意在记录是凯夫一天的生活。在录制最后一部专辑《Push the Sky Away》时他正住在英国小城布莱顿。电影主题曲来自尼克•凯夫最后一部专辑,也是他来到这个世界上第两万天开始录制的专辑。但这并不是那种扛着镜头在录音棚里乱逛拍出來的的观察型纪录片。