
模仿文本: Now Google is a platform for piracy. That at least is the claim today from Rupert Murdoch's News Corp. Its chief executive has written to the European Commission, appealing to Brussels to adopt a more robust approach when it comes to the Internet search company. Our business reporter Theo Leggett is with me. Theo, tell us a little bit more about this letter.
译文:如今的谷歌为盗版行为的传播提供了平台。至少今天鲁伯特•默多克手下的新闻集团可以这样断言。其首席执行官在写给欧盟委员会的一封信中呼吁欧盟方面在处理有关网络搜索引擎公司的事务上采取更加强硬的措施!跟我连线的是我们的财经记者Theo Leggett。Theo, 向我们多透露一点有关这封信的内容!