
But we begin in Scotland where voting has ended in the referendum on independence. There appears to have been a high turnout with long queues at polling stations. Voters will have to choose between saying Yes for independence from the rest of Britain or No if they want to remain within the union. Colin Blaine reports. 
译文: 首先让我们聚焦苏格兰,投票已经演变成决定苏格兰是否要独立的全民公投。参与公投的群众看起来相当之多,投票站外排着长队。投票者将不得不在“同意苏格兰独立,脱离出英国”和“反对苏格兰独立,苏格兰仍是联邦的一份子”两者中作出抉择。柯林·布莱恩发来报导。