
模仿文本:First though Nicole Kidman, she plays the woman at the centre of a new thriller, Before I Go To Sleep, which is based on the best-selling debut novel by S. J. Watson. Here's the premise. A woman wakes up in a strange bed, strange man looking much like Colin Firth beside her. When she looks in the bathroom mirror as people always do at length in films, she's a decade and a half older than she remembers. The intermitting years since her 20s are a blank.
译文:首先是妮可•基德曼的近况,她在根据S. J. Watson的畅销小说处女作改编的惊悚片《在我入睡前》中扮演了主要角色。这里是故事的引子:一个女人在陌生的床上醒来,旁边躺着陌生的男子,面容像极了科林•费尔斯。像电影里最终都会发生的一样,她在浴室里照镜子,发现自己比记忆中老了15岁。她20几岁之后的那段时光成了一片空白。