
模仿文本: But first today US labour market is still feeling the damaging effects of the great recession and the Federal Reserve will need to move cautiously in working out when interest rate should rise. That's what Fed Chairman Janet Yellen said at the annual Central Bankers Power Hour in Jackson Hole, Wyoming. Not the most riveting top line ever, but then probably most people weren't expecting much more.
译文:首先带来美国就业方面的消息。美国劳动力市场依然能感受到经济危机的破坏性影响,美联储需慎重考虑提高利率的时机。这就是美联储主席耶伦在怀俄明Jackson Hole举办的央行年会(译者注:也叫Jackson Hole会议,是个经济政策研讨会)上的发言。虽然算不上是史上最精彩头条,但估计大多数人也没指望有多精彩。