
模仿文本:Think of a successful Japanese car maker and you'll probably think of Toyota. After all it's the world's number one auto manufacturer renowned for its lean production system. But American journalist Jeffrey Rothfeder thinks this popular assumption is all wrong. He reckons the real star of the Japanese car industry is Honda, not Toyota. And he's written a whole book about it called Driving Honda after he was allowed behind Honda's famously private doors. So I asked him what did he find.
谈到日本汽车行业的佼佼者,你或许会想到丰田,因为它毕竟是世界上首屈一指的汽车生产商,并且以其精益生产系统而闻名。但是美国记者Jeffrey Rothfeder则并不认同这个民间广泛流传的说法。他认为日本汽车产业里真正的明星是本田而非丰田。在他有幸进入一向含蓄排外本田公司一探究竟之后,他甚至写了整整一本书,名叫《Driving Honda》,用以阐述自己的看法。那么现在他正在接受我的采访,告诉我他所发现的东西。