美联社新闻一分钟 2007-05-17(在线收听

1. Firefighters are using water and bulldozers to battle a forest fire in New Jersey's Pine Barrens. It's believed that the blaze was sparked from a military jet dropped a flare on a nearby bombing range.

2. Britain's Prince Harry will not be sent with his unit to Iraq. This according to Britain's top general who cites specific threats to the young royal and risks to his fellow soldiers.

3. The eldest child of Dr. Martin Luther King Junior has died. 51-year-old Yolanda king died late Tuesday in California. Relatives suspect it may have been a heart problem.

4. And it was a close call in northern Texas where a pair of children nearly walked into a lightning bolt. A video camera captured the incident on tape. Watch as the bolt touches down about ten feet from the youngsters.



1. bulldozer: n-count
A bulldozer is a large vehicle with a broad metal blade at the front, which is used for knocking down buildings or moving a large amounts of earth.

2. cite: verb
If you cite something, you quote it or mention it, especially as an example or proof of what you are saying.

3. a close call: phrase
If you describe an event as a close shave, a close thing or a close call, you mean that an accident or a disaster very nearly happened.

4. bolt: n-count
A bolt of lightning is a flash of lightning that is seen as a white line in the sky.
