
模仿文本: Manchester City will pay all of Frank Lampard's wages during his loan spell from New York City, amid suggestions they are using the deal to bypass UEFA's Financial Fair Play Regulations. Arsenal manager Arsène Wenger questioned whether the move was designed to "get around" the FFP rules - which City failed last season. But sources at City say they've no need to dodge the regulations as they're now on course to comply.
译文:曼城(Manchester City)向纽约城队(New York City)租借法兰克•兰帕德(Frank Lampard),在此期间会支付其所有薪水,有人表示,他们这一交易是在有意绕开欧足联的财政公平竞赛规则。阿森纳主帅温格(Arsène Wenger)质疑,此次交易是否是有意设计绕开财政公平竞赛规则,上一赛季曼城就未成功。但是据曼城方面消息称,他们并未有意躲避规则,因为他们现在符合法规。