美丽新世界Brave New World 第15章(6)(在线收听

   "He's mad," whispered Bernard, staring with wide open eyes.

  "They'll kill him. They'll…" A great shout suddenly went up from the mob; a wave of movement drove it menacingly towards the Savage.
  "Ford help him!" said Bernard, and averted his eyes.
  "Ford helps those who help themselves." And with a laugh, actually a laugh of exultation, Helmholtz Watson pushed his way through the crowd.
  "Free, free!" the Savage shouted, and with one hand continued to throw the soma into the area while,
  with the other, he punched the indistinguishable faces of his assailants.
  "Free!" And suddenly there was Helmholtz at his side–"Good old Helmholtz!"–also punching–"Men at last!"
  and in the interval also throwing the poison out by handfuls through the open window.
  "Yes, men! men!" and there was no more poison left.
  He picked up the cash-box and showed them its black emptiness. "You're free!"
  Howling, the Deltas charged with a redoubled fury.
  Hesitant on the fringes of the battle.
  "They're done for," said Bernard and, urged by a sudden impulse, ran forward to help them; then thought better of it and halted;
  then, ashamed, stepped forward again; then again thought better of it,
  and was standing in an agony of humiliated indecision–thinking that they might be killed if he didn't help them,
  and that he might be killed if he did–when (Ford be praised!),goggle-eyed and swine-snouted in their gas-masks, in ran the police.