英语角-圆桌会议 RoundTable1019 - 明星为啥爱开火锅店?(在线收听

Topic 1-Interns Pay for Labor Income Tax
As an old saying goes, in this world nothing can be said to be certain, except for death and taxes. How true is that, when interns cannot escape from it either. Apparently, many interns are surprised to learn with the meager earnings they get, they need to pay taxes too. Is it fair?
Topic 2-Why do celebrities invest in hotpot business?
As the temperature drops outside, the business of hotpot restaurant picks up. Have you noticed that many celebrities love to invest in hotpot business? Wu Qilong, Ren Quan, Li Bingbing, Huangxiaoming, Xue Zhiqian, to name a few. Why is it so popular among celebrities?
Topic 3-Video games degree
The future of sports here in China might change with the emergence of an “e-sports” degree, being taught at a vocational college for sports in Hunan Province. The degree has government backing and many are saying that the country is moving to become a dominant power in the field of competitive video games.