英语角-圆桌会议 RoundTable1025 - 没落的自行车王国(在线收听

Topic 1-Turning Food Waste into Fuel
Food waste, gutter oil, the back yard of a restaurant kitchen… All these words may give you a greasy, smelly and dirty feel. However, people are now making smart use of waste as a source of power. One of the recent successful cases happened in Shanghai where biodiesel, made from gutter oil, has started to power hundreds of buses since October.
Topic 2-Why Fewer People Ride Bikes in the Kingdom of Bikes
When we look at some old photos taken in the 1980s, we can always find people riding bikes in China. At that time, China was called the Kingdom of Bikes. But now, less and less people still ride a bike. Why is that?
Topic 3-Teachers Telling Jokes, Beneficial to Study?
A professor is considered popular because he cracks jokes in class. Some students speak highly of his teaching style, while others believe jokes don't help learning. Is humor in the classroom beneficial to the studying process? If so, how can humor be used in teaching?    