
The Sudanese woman whose death sentence for allegedly renouncing Islam sparked worldwide protests, has arrived in Italy with her family. Meriam Yahia Ibrahim was accompanied by the Italian deputy foreign minister. Mrs Ibrahim was sentenced to be hanged for marrying a Christian man, something the Sudanese authorities consider apostasy for Muslim women. The authorities consider Mrs Ibrahim to be a Muslim because that was the faith of her absent father.  
译文:  梅里亚姆·易卜拉欣,这位因涉嫌拒不皈依伊斯兰教而被判死刑的苏丹女子,掀起了全世界范围的抗议,目前她已经和家人一起抵达意大利。意大利外交部副部长陪同她(入境)。易卜拉欣女士因嫁给一位基督教徒而被判绞死——对苏丹当局而言,穆斯林女性与基督徒结婚是背教的大罪。易卜拉欣女士已故的父亲信奉伊斯兰教,苏丹当局据此认为易卜拉欣也是伊斯兰教徒。