
模仿文本:Films like this are offered to us as a fragment of a story that we need all the bits to properly understand, as one out this week, Dawn of the Planet of the Apes, a picture that explains the prehistory of the original Charlton Heston film or perhaps the Tim Burton remake. But how did we get so interested in the story before the story? To answer this question, I release Robby Nince from the infinite monkey cage.
译文:这样的电影提供给我们的是故事的碎片,需要拼在一起才能理清脉络,正如这周上映的《猩球崛起2:黎明之战》,解释的是查尔登•海斯顿的原版电影或说是蒂姆•波顿翻拍版电影之前的历史。但是我们为什么会对故事之前的故事这么饶有兴致?为了回答这个问题,我从这无穷无尽的猴笼子里请来了Robby Nince。