
First to that plane which came down in eastern Ukraine, not far from the border with Russia, amid accusation that it was shot down by a missile. Some Ukrainian officials say they have proof that Russian military was involved. Ukraine's president blamed terrorists. Pro-Russia separatists have denied involvement and PresidentPutin said Ukraine was responsible for the tragedy. 
译文:  首先来看在乌克兰东部坠落的(马航)飞机,坠落地点在距离俄罗斯边境不远的地方,目前不乏目击者指称该飞机是被一枚导弹击落的。一些乌克兰官员称他们掌握了俄罗斯军方与此事有关的证据。乌克兰总统谴责恐怖主义。(乌克兰国内)亲俄的分裂主义分子否认他们与此事有关,而俄总统普京表示:乌克兰应当为这起悲剧负责。