
According to the United Nations, malaria is the biggest killer of children in the world. In Africa, one child dies from the disease every minute. But could children actually be the key to developing a successful vaccine? Well, researchers have been looking at children in Tanzania with a naturally acquired immunity to malaria have been making some interesting discoveries. 
译文:  根据联合国资料显示,疟疾是当今世界对儿童生命威胁最大的疾病。在非洲,平均每分钟都会有一名儿童死于疟疾。但是我们能否借由儿童的病状而研制出可以有效抵御疟疾的疫苗呢?话说,一直以来研究先天免疫疟疾的坦桑尼亚儿童的研究人员最近得出了一些颇有意思的发现。