
模仿文本:  We start this edition of the podcast in Turkey where the town of Soma has been burying its dead. So far 283 men are confirmed dead after the worst mining accident in the country's history, but there are still more than a hundred people unaccounted for. Orla Guerin is in Soma and described the situation at the minehead.
译文: 我们这一期的Podcast节目定位于土耳其。土耳其的索马镇目前仍在进行(矿难死者)尸体的安葬事宜。迄今为止,这起土耳其有史以来最严重的矿难已确认致使283人死亡,不过还有一百多人下落不明。奥拉·盖林此刻正在索马,此前她已向我们讲述了矿井口的情况。 